Mobilizing Love
in Communities
so Babies can Thrive.

It Takes Courage
We work to improve the health and well-being of women, pregnant persons, and babies by building positive, loving connection among individuals and in our communities.

As community residents learn how to integrate restorative practices, transformation begins to take place, and mothers and babies thrive!

Skill Building
Learn restorative practices that help heal trauma and equip Chicago residents and organizations to become agents of hope in their community.

Raise awareness about how positive social relationships counter the negative impact that trauma has on infant and mental health.

Graduates of the program are challenged to apply what they've learned to create trauma-informed healing spaces.

About Us
Courage 2 Love (C2L) seeks to create trauma-informed healing communities that reduce maternal and infant mortality rates in Auburn Gresham and its surrounding neighborhoods. C2L believes that love at all levels—interpersonal, community, systemic—can help buffer and prevent the stress of racism that affects the bodies of Black women and their babies. When we practice loving community, our mothers and babies can thrive.

Helping Babies Thrive Through the Power of Love.
More black babies are born too early or die within their first year of life than white babies…a lot more. Many scientists now believe that the chronic stress of discrimination has an impact on women’s bodies and that social support is a critical mediator of that stress.